Ashford, Folkestone & Romney Marsh

Pub of the Year 2015

Red Lion, Snargate

The CAMRA Ashford, Folkestone & Romney Marsh Pub of the Year for 2015 is the Red Lion at Snargate, the pub has also been in ther Good Beer Guide for 30 consecutive years.

On the 25th July 2015, a large crowd attended the presentations at the Red Lion. The two presentations were for Doris achieving 30 years of continuous entry in the Good Beer Guide (GBG), and also being voted as the Branch’s Pub of the Year.

Being a fine sunny Saturday was a blessing in disguise as the crowd that arrived at the pub would have made it extremely difficult for Roger Protz, editor of the GBG, to have made the presentation within the multi-room pub that is also one of CAMRA's listed heritage pubs. Nothing significant appears to have changed, except the beers, since I drank there in the late 1950’s and is one of the country’s remaining unspoilt pubs that has been in the same family for over 100 years.

Whist there is not usually food available Kevin, form Turners Fine Foods of Goudhurst provide a good selection of English cheeses for all to enjoy with the excellent beers that were being drunk with gusto by all who attended the presentations and stayed to enjoy the afternoon.