Ashford, Folkestone & Romney Marsh

Cider & Bramley Apple Crumble

From Marsh Mash Autumn 2011
Serves 6


  • 1lb 8oz (750g) Bramley Apples (or suitable cooking apple)
  • 1 pint (560 ml) Real Still Medium Cider (I used Biddenden medium)
  • Approx 2oz (50g) Demerara Sugar (or to taste)
  • 1 tsp Mixed Spice (or cloves or any sweet powdered spice you like)


  • 10oz (300g) Plain or Self Raising Flour
  • 1-2 tsp Mixed Spice (or any sweet powdered spice you like)
  • 4oz (125g) Butter or Margarine
  • 2oz (50g) Demerara Sugar (add extra if you prefer a sweeter crumble)


  • Apple Cooking Sauce made up to 1 pint (560ml) with water
  • ¼ pint (140 ml) milk
  • 6 heaped tsp Corn Flour
  • Approx 1oz (25g) Demerara Sugar (or to taste)



Turn oven on to 200 C (400 F, gas 6)

Peel and core apples, cut into chunks, place in a saucepan, cover with cider and slowly bring to the boil. Turn heat out and leave in saucepan for 5 minutes. Drain cooking liquid into a jug and keep. Place apples in a large oven proof dish, sprinkle over mixed spice then add sugar to taste. Set aside.

Sieve the flour and spice into a large bowl. Rub the fat into the flour until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar (alternatively, put flour, fat, spice and sugar into a food processor and process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs). Pour crumble mix over apples and spread out evenly. Bake in pre-heated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Crumble can be served hot or cold, with cider sauce (see below). Alternatively, serve with cream, custard, ice cream, vanilla yogurt, crème freche - or whatever you like!


Make the apple cooking sauce up to 1 pint (560ml) with water, add milk and stir well. Pour most of liquid into a saucepan, put on a low heat to warm. With the remainder, add the corn flour and stir well until there are no lumps. Add the warm liquid to the corn flour mix and stir well, return the liquid to the pan. Put back on to the heat and gently heat through, stirring all the time, until thick. Add Demerara sugar to taste.

Recipe by Shirley Johnson, AFRM CAMRA Member